Linear and angular velocity

Centrifugal force is the inertia force that arises in each rotating object. It is only required in a rotating reference frame – or, in other words, when we look at the system from the point of view of the object in motion.
F: the force
m: the mass of the object
v: the velocity
R: the radius
The moment of inertia, otherwise known as the angular mass or rotational inertia, is a measure of an object’s resistance to change in rotation direction. Moment of Inertia has the same relationship to angular acceleration as mass has to linear acceleration.
For a point mass the Moment of Inertia is the mass times the square of perpendicular distance to the rotation reference axis and can be expressed as
I = m r2
I = moment of inertia (kg m2)
m = mass (kg)
r = distance between axis and rotation mass (m)
Metric prefixes precedes a basic unit of measure to indicate a multiple or a fraction of the basic unit.
The commonly measures that uses prefixes are energy, length, mass, time and angles, volume, and some non-metric units (byte, decibel, pound, …).
Alt+num | Ascii symbol | Description |
0 | NULL | Null character |
1 | SOH | Start of Header |
2 | STX | Start of Text |
3 | ETX | End of Text |
4 | EOT | End of Transmission |
5 | ENQ | Enquiry |
6 | ACK | Acknowledgement |
7 | BEL | Bell |
8 | BS | Backspace |
9 | HT | Horizontal Tab |
10 | LF | Line feed |
11 | VT | Vertical Tab |
12 | FF | Form feed |
13 | CR | Carriage return |
14 | SO | Shift Out |
15 | SI | Shift In |
16 | DLE | Data link escape |
17 | DC1 | Device control 1 |
18 | DC2 | Device control 2 |
19 | DC3 | Device control 3 |
20 | DC4 | Device control 4 |
21 | NAK | Negative acknowledgement |
22 | SYN | Synchronous idle |
23 | ETB | End of transmission block |
24 | CAN | Cancel |
25 | EM | End of medium |
26 | SUB | Substitute |
27 | ESC | Escape |
28 | FS | File separator |
29 | GS | Group separator |
30 | RS | Record separator |
31 | US | Unit separator |
32 | Space | |
33 | ! | Exclamation mark |
34 | " | Quotation mark ; quotes |
130 | é | letter "e" with acute accent or "e-acute" |
131 | â | letter "a" with circumflex accent or "a-circumflex" |
132 | ä | letter "a" with umlaut or diaeresis ; "a-umlaut" |
133 | à | letter "a" with grave accent |
134 | å | letter "a" with a ring |
135 | ç | Minuscule c-cedilla |
136 | ê | letter "e" with circumflex accent or "e-circumflex" |
137 | ë | letter "e" with umlaut or diaeresis ; "e-umlaut" |
138 | è | letter "e" with grave accent |
139 | ï | letter "i" with umlaut or diaeresis ; "i-umlaut" |
140 | î | letter "i" with circumflex accent or "i-circumflex" |
141 | ì | letter "i" with grave accent |
142 | Ä | letter "A" with umlaut or diaeresis ; "A-umlaut" |
143 | Å | Capital letter "A" with a ring |
144 | É | Capital letter "E" with acute accent or "E-acute" |
145 | æ | Latin diphthong "ae" in lowercase |
146 | Æ | Latin diphthong "AE" in uppercase |
147 | ô | letter "o" with circumflex accent or "o-circumflex" |
148 | ö | letter "o" with umlaut or diaeresis ; "o-umlaut" |
149 | ò | letter "o" with grave accent |
150 | û | letter "u" with circumflex accent or "u-circumflex" |
151 | ù | letter "u" with grave accent |
152 | ÿ | Lowercase letter "y" with diaeresis |
153 | Ö | letter "O" with umlaut or diaeresis ; "O-umlaut" |
154 | Ü | letter "U" with umlaut or diaeresis ; "U-umlaut" |
155 | ø | slashed zero or empty set |
156 | £ | Pound sign ; symbol for the pound sterling |
157 | Ø | slashed zero or empty set |
158 | × | multiplication sign |
159 | ƒ | function sign ; f with hook sign ; florin sign |
160 | á | letter "a" with acute accent or "a-acute" |
161 | í | letter "i" with acute accent or "i-acute" |
162 | ó | letter "o" with acute accent or "o-acute" |
163 | ú | letter "u" with acute accent or "u-acute" |
164 | ñ | letter "n" with tilde ; enye |
165 | Ñ | letter "N" with tilde ; enye |
166 | ª | feminine ordinal indicator |
167 | º | masculine ordinal indicator |
168 | ¿ | Inverted question marks |
169 | ® | Registered trademark symbol |
170 | ¬ | Logical negation symbol |
171 | ½ | One half |
172 | ¼ | Quarter or one fourth |
173 | ¡ | Inverted exclamation marks |
174 | « | Angle quotes or guillemets |
175 | » | Guillemets or angle quotes |
176 | ░ | Square grey dash 25% |
177 | ▒ | Square grey dash 50% |
178 | ▓ | Square grey dash 75% |
179 | │ | Box drawing character |
180 | ┤ | Box drawing character |
181 | Á | Capital letter "A" with acute accent or "A-acute" |
182 | Â | letter "A" with circumflex accent or "A-circumflex" |
183 | À | letter "A" with grave accent |
184 | © | Copyright symbol |
185 | ╣ | Box drawing character |
186 | ║ | Box drawing character |
187 | ╗ | Box drawing character |
188 | ╝ | Box drawing character |
189 | ¢ | Cent symbol |
190 | ¥ | YEN and YUAN sign |
191 | ┐ | Box drawing character |
192 | \ | Box drawing character |
193 | ┴ | Box drawing character |
194 | ┬ | Box drawing character |
195 | ├ | Box drawing character |
196 | ─ | Box drawing character |
197 | ┼ | Box drawing character |
198 | ã | Lowercase letter "a" with tilde or "a-tilde" |
199 | Ã | Capital letter "A" with tilde or "A-tilde" |
200 | ╚ | Box drawing character |
201 | ╔ | Box drawing character |
202 | ╩ | Box drawing character |
203 | ╦ | Box drawing character |
204 | ╠ | Box drawing character |
205 | ═ | Box drawing character |
206 | ╬ | Box drawing character |
207 | ¤ | generic currency sign |
208 | ð | Lowercase letter "eth" |
209 | Ð | Capital letter "Eth" |
210 | Ê | letter "E" with circumflex accent or "E-circumflex" |
211 | Ë | letter "E" with umlaut or diaeresis ; "E-umlaut" |
212 | È | letter "E" with grave accent |
213 | ı | lowercase dot less i |
214 | Í | Capital letter "I" with acute accent or "I-acute" |
215 | Î | letter "I" with circumflex accent or "I-circumflex" |
216 | Ï | letter "I" with umlaut or diaeresis ; "I-umlaut" |
217 | ┘ | Box drawing character |
218 | ┌ | Box drawing character |
219 | █ | Block |
220 | ▄ | Bottom half block |
221 | ¦ | vertical broken bar |
222 | Ì | letter "I" with grave accent |
223 | ▀ | Top half block |
224 | Ó | Capital letter "O" with acute accent or "O-acute" |
225 | ß | letter "Eszett" ; "scharfes S" or "sharp S" |
226 | Ô | letter "O" with circumflex accent or "O-circumflex" |
227 | Ò | letter "O" with grave accent |
228 | õ | letter "o" with tilde or "o-tilde" |
229 | Õ | letter "O" with tilde or "O-tilde" |
230 | µ | Lowercase letter "Mu" ; micro sign or micron |
231 | þ | Lowercase letter "Thorn" |
232 | Þ | Capital letter "thorn" |
233 | Ú | Capital letter "U" with acute accent or "U-acute" |
234 | Û | letter "U" with circumflex accent or "U-circumflex" |
235 | Ù | letter "U" with grave accent |
236 | ý | Lowercase letter "y" with acute accent |
237 | Ý | Capital letter "Y" with acute accent |
238 | ¯ | macron symbol |
239 | ´ | Acute accent |
240 | | Hyphen |
241 | ± | Plus-minus sign |
242 | ‗ | underline or underscore |
243 | ¾ | three quarters |
244 | ¶ | paragraph sign or pilcrow |
245 | § | Section sign |
246 | ÷ | The division sign ; Obelus |
247 | ¸ | cedilla |
248 | ° | degree symbol |
249 | ¨ | Diaeresis |
250 | · | Interpunct or space dot |
251 | ¹ | superscript one |
252 | ³ | cube or superscript three |
253 | ² | Square or superscript two |
254 | ■ | black square |
255 | nbsp | non-breaking space or no-break space |